Hello, I’m Kunal. I’m proud to be a part of milky way.

Single Layer Feedforward Neural Network

Author : Kunal Paliwal

Node structure


I am building a Single Layer Feed Forward Neural Network. The goal is to research whether Winsorizing can improve the accuracy or 
computational effort of a single-node classification algorithm. File test_data.py uses normal data and test_winsorized_data.py uses 
Winsorized data. 

Titanic dataset has been used for testing. Source: https://www.kaggle.com/c/titanic/data.I have removed fields with non-integer or 
non-float values. The input fields are ticket class, Sex, Age, # of siblings or spouses aboard the ship, # of parents or children 
aboard the ship, passenger fare. The output is passenger probability of surviving. I am using tanh as my Activation function.  
The pre-defined learning rate is set to 0.001 and regularization strength set to 0.01.


•	calculate_loss: Helper function to evaluate total loss of the dataset.
•	predict: Helper function for testing new data
•	build_model: This function learns the parameter for the neural network and returns the model. No. of iterations are set to 20000
        and no. of nodes in hidden layer are 7.
•	generate_data: This function extracts data from train.csv without Winsorization.
•	winsorized_data: This function extracts data and Winsorizes it by a factor of 0.2
•	get_accuracy: This function finds prediction accuracy when test our model

•	If we look at the result in Output.txt we will find we can see the error loss value decrease after every iteration and is finally 
	set to 0.499. This means our training is successful and for testing our network we use new data. Computation time was noted to be 4 
	seconds and ACC was found to be 80%!
•	While testing the winsorized data though, the error loss value is now even smaller: 0.417. While testing our network we note an 
	increased accuracy in our prediction, ACC = 85%. But an increased computational effort was needed. Computational time was noted to
	be 24 seconds!

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